Wednesday, February 12, 2025




1.Don’t make children, they will hold onto your legs,

Throw you in competitions to see who begs,

Tie you by your weakened arms

And leave you greyed out, depleted of charms.


2.Don’t make children, they are exchange nowadays,

For them to see who endures love and who pays;

In wealth they’ll be free of pain,

If unobtainable always abstain.


3.Don’t make children, they’ll make you blackmailable,

For the darkest deeds always available;

Not until you learn to see

All humans on Earth deserve to be free.

Monday, January 6, 2025


 Here I go again


1.Here I go again,

Every now and then,

Let my heart be torn,

Do I never learn?


2.Here I go again,

Until God knows when,

Opened up a door

And fell through the floor.


3.Here I go my dear,

How am I still here?

Thought my heart was dead,

Look, another shred!


4.Here I go again,

Cared too much God damn,

Get out of my way,

I fall hard today.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Asimov - "Foundation and Empire" - two OC's hip hop dialogue

  Kalgan crush


Hey girl, what’s up? You’re so out of reach,

Smiling to yourself on the Kalgan beach!


Oh girl, you scared me! Welcome to town!

When you approach me try making a sound!


“Girl, never mind, I could blow a horn,

You never hear stuff when your heart is torn.”


“Say that again? Don’t know what you mean.

Told you my X is the last boy I’ve seen.”


“Seeing is one thing, you’re dreaming awake,

I’ve seen those eyes, also the heartbreak.

I’m not a savior, I’m just your friend

And hate to witness an other sad end.”


“Girl, you read me, I’m an open book,

And you are impatient to hear the hook.”


“C’mon, spill the beans, don’t make me repeat,

Name, address, number, I’ll know who to beat.”


“Oh, all these things, wish I knew myself.

He’s not from this world: alien or elf.

Only saw him once on the Kalgan beach,

Wanted to say hi, but then lost my speech;

Tried to stand up, follow him around,

I fell back on the sand, my legs went numb.”


“Lord this is bad, have mercy on her!

Such a good girl, but her mind is a blur.”


“Wait, I’m not done, don’t make fun just yet!

You’ll fall just by listening, c’mon, wanna bet?

His eyes, girl, his eyes, never saw such thing!

They hid a dream in a dream in a dream,

They outshined by far the bland Kalgan sun,

It’s my heart they burnt, my soul they won.

He swayed so lightly, when he walked he danced,

Like a jester with a heartbreaker stance.

His hair was dark blonde or light brown or black,

Already forgot, how odd, what the heck?

What hit me most was his slender body,

Looking so frail, acting so naughty!”


“Girl, I don’t know, he sounds off to me,

Why do you fall for the first creep you see?

What if he’s a thief, or a drug dealer?”


“Naah, chill out, he’s just a heart killer.”


“You seem so convinced, I trust your gut,

If you see him again, just ask him out!

And if he does anything to you

I swear to God it’s the last thing he’ll do.

Wait, news alert on my phone, what the hell?

It can’t be, it reads that Kalgan just fell!”

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Unadapted and unwilling

 Take a bow


They say be nice to everyone

’Cuz each can help when you are down.

I say never lick where you spat,

Always forgive, never forget.


They say leave the room with a smile,

Maybe you come back in a while.

I say burn bridges, flames untamable,

Some garbage may even be flammable.


Can you restore a human’s dignity?

Leaving may be a sign of victory.

They say you must adapt or die,

I take a bow, ok, goodbye.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Better later than never

 Maybe means never


No more fooling around

To make me feel clever,

And painting on walls

Such silly endeavor,

I’ve grown up so much

I’m having a fever,

Shedded so much skin

I’ve started to shiver.


No more breaking the law

And saying whatever,

Drowning in regret,

My fault whatsoever,

My memories gone

I’m pulling the lever,

In case you are dense

Maybe means never.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The harsh reality

 We’re sorry


1.We’re sorry, you can’t stay here,

You’re over 35,

Good luck, may life be easy

And thank you for your time.


2.We’re sorry, you can’t stay here,

Your voice is too humane,

We can’t afford to pay one

Who has a human brain.


3.We’re sorry, you can’t stay here,

You lie and cheat too much,

Where is your sense of honesty?

You lack the human touch.


4.We’re sorry, what you’re saying?

We never said these things!

You can’t go on and speak up

While knowing what it brings.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

What it feels like to be dead inside



Hair spread on my pillow,

I am a dead willow;


Ice smeared on my window,

I’m a broken widow;


Poison in my veins,

Leaking better days;


All behind sealed lips,

Drought between my hips;


Mind can only wail,

Won’t escape this jail;


Don’t come for my fate,

You’re always too late.