Friday, January 27, 2012
Down with ACTA - Pirate's ballad
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Be matter what they say :)
But be careful as not to become that person you are pretending to be for the sake of surviving in this mad society. Because some people forget who they truely are.
You must act maturely and responsible, because otherwise you won't get a job and you'll never be part of society. I know it sucks, but you can't live as an outsider all your life. You can't just lock yourself in a room and ignore everything, even if you sometimes feel like doing so. After a while, you'll have to get out. You'll need the bathroom :))
Avoid conflicts when you can, smile when you must... pretend you're happy when you're not. But never forget to spend time with your self. Analyse yourself to see if, after all the fake smiles and unnatural attitude you use during the day, you still are yourself.
Never become what you don't like.
Never adopt a lifestyle you don't agree with.
Never get married if you don't love him/her like dying for him/her.
Don't let people mould you and turn you into what you're not.
Don't be with the one who is so "kind" as to magnanimously accept your flaws, thinking they do you such a favour turning a blind eye on your drawbacks. But be with the one who thinks you're shortcomings make you beautiful because they are unique and who loves your dark side because it's yours.
Say as they say, but do things your way.
Photoshop is a great program. But never let others photoshop you, when they feel like making you "better". Only the ones who love you as you are desearve your love.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
2012 is not the end
All the predictions about the end of the world in 2012 are based on the Mayan calendar. But the Mayan calendar doesn't state that the end of the world will occur in 2012. It talks about the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
The economic crisis has made poor people poorer, while many employers take advantage of people's fears of losing their jobs. They fire thousands of people, claiming that they don't have money to pay them because of the economic crisis. But the ones who remain employed have to work double, they are tired, stressed out, overworked and underpayed because... "it's crisis!". If they didn't take advantage of people in this way, they wouldn't fire thousands of people while making the remaining empoyees work double. It's just an excuse for the heads of large companies to earn more, while the masses are more deprived. It's greed we should worry about. Greed, and not 2012. We created the situation we are in. Sometimes i think that the tension among the population will explode because there is a limit to the unjustice one can bear. This would be yet an other form of the end of something and the beginning of something new.
I say this: do not live in fear, do not be manipulated by fear. Do not bow before someone just because they have money and power. But choose the right leaders to look up to. If you need to look up to someone, choose that person who cares about the troubles of the world and who doesn't sell their principles for 100 bucks.
Things are ending, others are beginning, it has been like this since us humans are on Earth. Do not fear changes. We are shading our coats and changing them for new ones, that's all. A crisis, like an illness, is a sign that there is a wound in the organism. The organism needs to be cleansed out of the toxins. Afterwards, things are smooth again.
P.S. Dont't watch the movie "2012", that sucks, watch "Melancholia" instead! :))
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The silly behaviour
But now she’s become pale.
Tired, old and all drained out
Dwelling in her gloom
Only tears can water her,
But tears don’t make her bloom.
Wishing he would come to tend her
But he doesn’t come tonight.
All the things that nurture her
Are not found in mud
But sadly she just found out
That butterflies prefer a bud.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Do you feel like an alien?
1. A girl with dark, black hair
Was swimming in the sea
She saw a UFO
She asked:”who might you be?”
2. A blonde guy came to her
And said: “We are in need!
The grey dudes took our planet
We have nowhere to breed.
3. Why don’t you come inside?
Drink this cokteil and rest
The stars will flee around us’
This night will be the best!”
4. Many years past since then…
I watch the stars a lot,
Sometimes I can’t stop thinking:
“Come back, you idiot!”
P.S. In the ufology literature, two of the mentioned alien races are the tall blondes or nordics (who look almost like us, but they're all blond) and the little greys (small grey dudes with big heads). And some abductees claim to have been told by the aliens that these two races fought in a war against each other.