Thursday, December 18, 2014

In a future life

Next time

1.I don’t want to be a cat,
Not any more.
To walk on the air like that,
Turn my back like a spoiled brat
On the world.

2.I might come back as a worm,
It might be good.
When they get cut, stepped on, torn,
Every piece will be reborn
Just like that.

3.In this place hit by a storm
I’d be a llama.
I would keep somebody warm
In a slightly processed form
When it’s cold.

4.Maybe I’ll be white and deaf
For protection.
I don’t want to hear them laugh
Or see what they’re laughing at,
It’s no good.

5.Not a human, not a cat,
One is dumb, one a spoiled brat,
To do good, but not to show it,
To give hope, but not to know it,
I will come back in this world
Just like that.

Monday, November 3, 2014

If it's not obvious it doesn't mean it isn't

A hundred ways of crying

1.Some cry tears
But others cry light,
Paint rusty things with it
When the canvas is the night.

2.Some cry novels
Until their fingers burn,
No one can read their faces
And know that they are torn.

3.Some cry lyrics
Amid weeping guitars,
They’re not so good with tears
As tears don’t let one see the stars.

4.Some cry colors,
Which their blue spirits lack,
Because deep down inside
They are all painted black.

5.Some cry secretly,
They think it is a shame.
But even if it’s hidden,
A pain is still a pain.