A lot of things and a limit
1.There are a lot of stuff I’d
do for money,
And this one isn’t one of
Paint the world in fluffy
When children starve and
labor well.
2.There are a lot of things I’d
do for money,
I’d sell my body in bits, or
as a whole,
But I won’t paint the world
in fluffy rainbows,
Only the body is for sale,
and not the soul.
3.There are a lot of things I’d
do for money,
Like militate for using
liquid assets!
But I won’t paint the world
in fluffy rainbows,
A bit of the ideals cannot be
4.There are a lot of things I’d
do for money,
And this one isn’t one of
Paint the world in fluffy rainbows,
Children need knowledge, and
not to bend well.