Monday, October 24, 2022

Sometimes we forget who we are

 Never ever


1.I will never ever talk

About clouds having a walk,

I will never ever try

To make my dull phrases fly.


2.I will always want to sing

Of all things which burn and sting,

And nothing can make me stay

When I want to go away.


3.I will always want to write

About how white-haired boys fight,

And nothing can dim my light,

Not the cold and not the night.


4.I will never ever toil,

Die on someone else’s soil,

You will never ever see

Someone who cares less than me.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Pain without research

 Emigrant song


1.Escape from local misery into another misery,

What’s the use?

The grass isn’t always greener the streets aren’t any cleaner,

Tell the truth.


2.Escape from a small salary into a lavish gallery,

Ain’t in strange?

From a smaller uncertainty into a fake stability,

Why the change.


3.You run away from a problem, but honey, it is you, not them,

What’s the deal?

Unless you’re running after gold instead of sleeping in the cold,

You won’t heal.


4.And maybe it will all end well,’cause really who am I to tell

Of your dreams,

It’s a pity to go amiss without knowing that nothing is

What it seems.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Too late for some things

 Too late


1.Why the heck do you bother?

We don’t care for each other.

Why the heck does this shake you?

Your child’s tears couldn’t break you.


2.Why the heck do you judge me?

You were deaf, I was hungry.

When you are down with fever,

I won’t care if you shiver.


3.Why can’t we just stay blissful?

Ignorant, smiling, peaceful,

Never bring up the falsehood

Of the little things we could.


4.Why the heck do you bother?

I won’t change for an other,

And while your heart is aching,

I write poetry naked.