Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Always alone, but never by myself... damnit! :))

Stranger to the world

1.Sometimes, I feel like weed between roses,
A pale stain of color, which slowly decomposes
Like a part of every thing, but without a true home
Like a bloke in a crowd, however being lone.
2.I’m a sunset tramp walking along a railway
Never touching the sun wanting to get away
The world seems to me like a dangerous ocean
No one can float, we are just driven in motion.

3.Sometimes, they play me with thousands of strings
When all I need are a couple of wings,
To fly far away, achieving my dreams
To escape, when nobody’s watching.

4.When the black velvet courtine falls down at night
I woun’t fall asleep, for try as I might
The cares lie havy on me
It will be better tomorrow...