Thursday, December 18, 2014

In a future life

Next time

1.I don’t want to be a cat,
Not any more.
To walk on the air like that,
Turn my back like a spoiled brat
On the world.

2.I might come back as a worm,
It might be good.
When they get cut, stepped on, torn,
Every piece will be reborn
Just like that.

3.In this place hit by a storm
I’d be a llama.
I would keep somebody warm
In a slightly processed form
When it’s cold.

4.Maybe I’ll be white and deaf
For protection.
I don’t want to hear them laugh
Or see what they’re laughing at,
It’s no good.

5.Not a human, not a cat,
One is dumb, one a spoiled brat,
To do good, but not to show it,
To give hope, but not to know it,
I will come back in this world
Just like that.