Saturday, February 24, 2024

Hip hop vibes (again)

Double standards


1.It’s good to be bad,

Only within a limit,

As long as all the legal prescription drugs

Can heal it.

It’s good to talk back,

But not to your superior,

Else empty headed zombies will remind you

You’re inferior.


2.It’s good to kill some,

As long as they are evil,

But before you do make sure they’re sent up by

The devil.

Feels good to insult

One body type, the best yeah!

Or else they’ll beat you up, it will hurt more than



3.It’s good to speak truth,

Show you the middle finger

And watch your trembling fists and large dumb eyes oh,

So ginger.

I love to shed light

On all the lies, you get me,

Can’t always get away, after all, you’re not


Saturday, February 10, 2024


 Point of view


1.Used to think life’s easy,

Like one plus one is two,

If something is false

It means it’s not true,

If something is wrong,

Then edit undo.


2.Used to think it’s simple,

Only black and white,


Just like day and night,

Available options:

Kiss ass, freeze or fight.


3.Why’d it have to happen?

To open my eyes,

What once was beauty

Now it’s only lies,

Where once stars shone brightly

Now nothing but scars.


4.It’s so complicates,

A betrayal, too!

When your eyes met mine,

I stayed, others flew,

And finally took in

Others’ point of view.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Wishful singing

 I want to write a song about


Cats which never fade away,

Last days prolongued by one day,


Minds which never go insane,

Skin so thick it feels no pain,


Windows that always shine bright,

Flowers that glow in the night,


Travelers who know where to do

Despite the dangerous snow,


Children who don’t disappear

In adults who live in fear;


This thing will never come true,

Just like I can’t become you.


I think I might have a clue:

I do me and you do you.